Now that science and technologies are quickly developing the problems of ecology and environment protection are becoming increasingly topical and decisive for the future of the world civilization. Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant gives high priority to environment protection and ecological education.

Nuclear industry gives high priority to the problem of ecology. The production of nuclear energy is based on ecologically safe technologies. The intensive use of natural resources and their impending exhaustion are urging humanity to search for alternatives. The world community is beginning to realize that today nuclear energy is the most effective and ecologically safe alternative and many countries have started to actively develop their nuclear industries. In this light, it is very important to cultivate ecological mentality among the growing generation.

Ecological education is an important part of the information policy of Smolensk NPP. The plant actively contacts with youths and children. For 14 years already Smolensk NPP and the education committees of Desnogorsk and Roslavl have been jointly developing their youth policies envisaging visits to the plant for teachers and pupils, open lessons on ecology, seminars, contests, ecological weeks, roundtables, ecological clean-ups.

In Dec 2007 Smolensk NPP is marking its 25th anniversary. In this light it is planning a number of measures, including ecological ones.

In 2006-2007 the Information and PR Center of Smolensk NPP gave 18 open lessons on ecology in the schools and colleges of Desnogorsk, Roslavl and villages of the 30-km zone. Our specialists told the teachers and pupils about our nuclear power industry, its achievements and development prospects. Veterans shared their memories about the construction of the plant and about its pioneers. We use different means: show films, disseminate booklets, etc..

Our specialists took part in 3 school ecological weeks, 5 contests and in Energy of Future 2007. 4 teachers and 3 pupils of Desnogorsk schools made reports on the May 2007 conference "Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant: Ecology of the Region." Pupils of school #2 Sasha Merkulov and Pulipp Gumennov presented their multi-media project "Peaceful Atom," Sveta Gaynulova (school #4) – a research project on the influence of risk factor on human health.

But the hit of the season was the week of ecological knowledge – May 21-31 2007. We invited primary school children and offered them the following program: discussion of nuclear energy problems, virtual excursion of Smolensk NPP and a quiz. We were a bit anxious: we had no experience of communication with primary school pupils and the subject seemed a bit difficult for small children. But our specialists L.Gubina held the meeting perfectly: she spoke in easy language and gave vivid examples and the children quickly grasped the subject. Their general opinion was that they did not wish to go back to the Stone Age and they would like to enjoy all benefits of modern civilization.

The quiz showed that they were quite well aware of the problem. After answering the questions the children began to ask their own ones – some of the questions were quite intelligent - all but childish: "Why did Chernobyl happen?" "Can such an accident happen at Smolensk NPP?" "What types of mutations has Chernobyl caused?" – quite well formulated questions for children of third or fourth form, aren’t they?

A total of 500 pupils and teachers visited the plant during the week.

Among them were pupils of school #10 of Roslavl and the school of the village of Kostryvesky. They were no less smart and witty than their peers from Desnogorsk and some of them won the quiz.

A group of residents and guests of Desnogorsk was taken on a virtual excursion of Smolensk NPP. All of them were interested in the prospect of the construction of Smolensk NPP-2.

The guests were also taken on excursion of Desnogorsk and to the holy source of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. The meetings were crowned by a photo exhibition "Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant: Ecology of the Region": the pictures showed the whole beauty of the area around Smolensk NPP.

Thus, we have got acquainted with the second and third generations of Smolensk workers and have seen their moods and mentality. Ecological education is already giving fruits. The Organization of Young Nuclear Workers regularly conducts ecological clean-ups, our youths are beginning to actively care for the nature of their native land. Active ecological position, harmonious interaction with nature, care for and reproduction of natural resources – this is what we teach our children for the sake of future generations.