22.04.2015 11:33 

The Kursk NPP has begun implementing of the pilot project "Improvement of the radiation situation in the workplace"

State of radiation safety at nuclear power plants, maintenance of radiation monitoring and implementation of innovative equipment and tools of the "Rosatom" Production System, the implementation of measures to protect plant personnel and employees of contractors - all of this became the subject of the analysis carried out by the Council on Radiation Safety of the Concern "Rosenergoatom". Meeting of the Council was held at the Kursk NPP.

As it was noted at the meeting by the Deputy Director for the emergency preparedness and radiation protection of the Concern "Rosenergoatom" Igor Dolzhenkov, the results of radiation monitoring in nuclear power plants and in the areas of their location in 2014 and at the moment are demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements of the radiation situation. The main dose limits are respected at all nuclear power plants.

Thanks to the consistent implementation of complex organizational and technical measures, nuclear power plant radiation environment improves. These measures include the use of tools of the "Rosatom" Production System (PSR), the essence of which is in constant search and the practical use of "incremental" improvements.

In 2015, the implementation of the PSR pilot project in this area began, for example, at the Kursk NPP. The project aims to improve the radiation situation in the workplace and to protect repair personnel in the company in terms of increasing of the repairs volume during the current year.

The meeting reviewed the implementation of best practices of the PSR in the department for radiation safety of the Smolensk NPP. There has been successfully used practice of radiation protection strongholds. Major contractors are actively involved in organizing of radiation safety. An automated storage,issuance and activation of electronic dosimeters system was put into operation in order to reduce non-productive losses in case of admission to the implementation of radiation-hazardous work, to eliminate errors in registration of personnel operational doses at the plant.

"The Council on Radiation Safety is a working meeting of like-minded people - commented on the work of the Council the Deputy Chief of the reactor department №1 of the Kursk NPP Andrey Shchigolev. - There are no details in security, so it is important to discuss a range of issues involving research institutes. Each on the Council have something to offer to colleagues from his own experience, there is something to adopt and to implement at their station".

The work of the Council was attended by the heads of Departments of Radiation Safety from 10 branches of the Concern "Rosenergoatom", representatives of the Ural Branch of the Russian Science Academy, Research and Production Association "Typhoon", the Karpov Research Institute of Physical Chemistry and other scientific and industrial organizations and enterprises.

The Kursk NPP has power units №№ 1, 3, 4 in work at the moment. They work with capacity, established by the dispatch schedule. Power unit №2 has been in a planned overhaul repair since March, 15.

The radiation background is at level, that corresponds to the normal operation of power units and does not exceed natural background values, at the Kursk NPP and in the area of its location.

Updated information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other nuclear facilities is provided on site www.russianatom.ru.

The Kursk NPP, as part of the «Rosenergoatom Concern», is included into the electricity division of the State Corporation "Rosatom". The station is located 40 km south-west of the city Kursk on the left bank of Seym. The NPP has four operating units with RBMK RBMK-1000 reactors with total capacity of 4 million KW of electricity. Power units were connected to the unified energy system of the country in 1976, 1979, 1983 and 1985. All existing power units had technical modernization in 1994-2009. The Kursk NPP is the largest power generating source in the Central Russian Chernozem.

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