Key tasks of the ecological service:

  • exercising radiation and chemical control in the sanitary and monitoring zones; 
  • evaluating the plant’s impacts on the environment; 
  • controlling compliance with ecological standards; 
  • organizing and coordinating the ecological activities of all services; 
  • drafting and introducing annual and long-term ecological projects; 
  • drafting necessary documents and carrying out necessary measures for receiving ecological licenses. 

The plant controls the content of radioactive matters in:

  • the air; 
  • soil; 
  • flora and fauna; 
  • lakes, rivers and sources of drinking water; 
  • water supply systems; 
  • algae and bottoms sediments; 
  • precipitations; 
  • food and fodder. 

The results of the monitoring show that the radiation situation in the area is within norm. The content of radio-nuclides in the air, water and food has never exceeded the admissible level and the average yearly activity of radio-nuclides is 105-106 times lower than allowed.

In 1975, before the launch of the plant, the averaged dose rate was 11 mRh. Today, after 30 years of the plant’s operation, the rate is the same.

The gamma background is constantly measured by an automated radiation control system with the data placed on the plant’s web-site.