26.04.2011 11:14  Public Information Centre of Kursk NPP

Kursk NPP: a round-table discussion of ChNPP accident consequences liquidators has been held

On April 25, 2011 a round-table discussion for the participants of Chernobyl NPP post-accident clean-up was held in the Public Information Centre of Kursk NPP. It was dedicated to the topic “Implementation of Measures on Social Protection of People Who Suffered from Radiation Exposure during ChNPP Accident”.

Apart from liquidators, the discussion engaged heads and specialists of Kursk NPP, representatives of Government executive and legislative bodies of Kurchatov city and Kurchatov district, medical institutions, education and culture, public organizations as well as students and teachers of specialized educational institutions and schoolchildren.

The event was opened by Director of Kursk NPP Nikolay Sorokin – accident consequences liquidator, who had been working at Chernobyl NPP from1986 till 1994. He distinguished a substantial contribution of Kursk nuclear scientists, who had directly participated in Chernobyl NPP post-accident clean-up.

“Today we commemorate all those people, who during the first days of the tragedy went to Chernobyl nuclear power plant and express gratitude for their deed.” Nikolay Mikhailovich said.

Total number of Kursk NPP employees, sent to ChNPP, amounts to more than 700 people. Representatives of every plant subdivisions participated in the post-accident clean-up and worked at operating power units.

Today more than 1,000 people – accident consequences liquidators live in Kurchatov city. 177 of them continue to work at Kursk NPP and 180 are registered in the veteran organization of the nuclear power plant. During the round-table discussion Chernobyl participants exchanged opinions concerning realization of measures on social protection of people, suffered from the radiation exposure. Eyewitnesses of those hard days recalled their work and the work of their colleagues after the accident and shared their impressions and feelings. According to the general participants’ opinion, we shall not forget Chernobyl lessons because further development of nuclear power industry primarily depends on safety, which was almost discredited by the accident at ChNPP.

Kursk NPP created a commemorative sign, confined to the 25th anniversary of ChNPP tragedy, and published a book about Kurchatov citizens, participating in the post-accident clean-up, which will be presented on April 26. 

At present Kursk NPP operates power units Nos. 1 and 3. Power unit No.2 is in scheduled major overhaul. Power unit No.4 was shut down by automation false response. Actual capacity corresponds to the dispatch schedule. The radiation background does not exceed the set standards and corresponds to the natural background values. 

On-line information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs is available in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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