06.05.2011 15:35  Public Information Centre of Kursk NPP

Kursk NPP: a professional orientation meeting of South-Western State University and senior schoolchildren has been held

On May 5, 2011, a meeting of the nuclear plant representatives, South-Western State University (SWSU) employees and the senior schoolchildren of Kurchatov city and Kurchatov district schools was held in Public Information Centre. The meeting was held within the framework of Kursk NPP work in the field of professional guidance, and according to the participants’ common opinion contributed to the professional choice of the youth of Kursk NPP area in favor of the nuclear branch enterprises.

“Rejuvenation of personnel is going on actively at Kursk nuclear plant”, Deputy HR Director Aleksander Apalkov noted at the meeting. “We need well-prepared specialists of the necessary specialties. SWSU is one of the sources of staffing completion, each fifth Kursk NPP worker has graduated from this University. The present meeting will beyond all doubts consolidate our collaboration with SWSU and other centres of career education of Kursk region”.

“In Kurchatov there are many young people eager to work at the nuclear plant”, Valery Dreizin, Head of the department of Electronic Computing Design and Technologies of SWSU, Academician of the Academy for Technological Science noted. “They have a great will to get a necessary profession for it. We are ready to train the necessary specialists. The nuclear plant representatives express a great interest in the staff having the skills of modern computers operating. As a response, we have corrected school curriculum applied to Kursk NPP requirements”.

The senior schoolchildren present at the meeting got acquainted with the promising branches of Kursk NPP activity, working conditions and the terms of young professionals’ social support and with the opportunities of professional and career promotion at the enterprise. The multiple questions in the address of the NPP and SWSU specialists proved the young people’s interest in the nuclear branch.

At present Kursk NPP operates power units Nos. 1, 3 and 4. The actual capacity corresponds to the dispatch schedule. Since April 22, 2011, power unit No. 2 has been in scheduled major repair.

The radiation background at Kursk NPP industrial site and its location corresponds to the set standards and does not exceed the natural background values. 

Timely information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other objects of the nuclear industry is available in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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