27.04.2011 15:19  Public Information Centre of Kursk NPP

Kursk NPP: a presentation of the book “25 years after” has been held

In the year of the 25th anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl NPP Kursk nuclear plant published a book named “25 years after. Events. Recollections. Facts”, devoted to the liquidators of Chernobyl NPP accident consequences - Kursk NPP employees. The presentation of the new issue was held at KuNPP Public Information Centre on April 26, 2011, on the day of the memory of the people who had died in radiation accidents and catastrophes.

Representatives of the city of Kurchatov and Kurchatov region executive and legislative branches, Kursk NPP heads and specialists, representatives of educational and culture establishments, public organizations, Veterans council, students and tutors of profile educational establishments, schoolchildren, Mass Media – about 80 people on the whole attended the presentation. The most honorable seats in the hall were provided to the book heroes – participants of Chernobyl NPP elimination of accident consequences – KNPP workers: on that day their bravery act was honored.

“25 years ago, when the accident happened at Chernobyl NPP, Kursk atomists rushed to their Ukraine colleagues’ rescue among the first”, Kursk NPP Chief Engineer Alexander Uvakin noted in his speech. “A quarter of a century later it became more evident to us how hard and dangerous a challenge had been for those, who had been carrying out works in the area of radioactive contamination in the first days, weeks and months after the accident. Representatives of different professions and specialties were there – fearless patriots of their country. About 700 employees of Kursk NPP took part in the battle against Chernobyl accident consequences. We will remember the courage, dedication, steadiness and great self-abnegation of the accident consequences liquidators and keep the feeling of gratefulness for their deeds forever”.

The book “25 years after…” in a detailed way describes who of Kursk NPP workers and in what way eliminated the accident at Chernobyl NPP consequences. All the liquidators are enumerated by their names. As it is shown in the issue, Kursk atomists appeared to be well-prepared for the mission, though they had not meant to apply their talents and abilities in the conditions of radiation hazard. Their professional and psychological readiness was not eventual, but typical of Kursk NPP personnel. Kursk NPP safety policy had been developed by a professional experience of the USSR Nuclear project. The professionals of such kind headed Kursk NPP from the very beginning and started here the process of the corresponding mentality regeneration. Following their way of thinking and acting, atomists – the specialists with a peculiar production culture, after 1986 called safety culture – were forming from the locksmiths, mechanics, chemists, electricians, turbine workers and representatives of other mass professions. That is why it was not accidental that the narration of the direct participants of the liquidators of Chernobyl accident consequences was started with the safety traditions, founded at Kursk NPP from the very beginning of its operation.

The questions of what conclusions were made after the accident at CNPP, in what way they were brought to definite practices of Kursk NPP operation were an integral element of Chernobyl theme. Also, the book gives the definite answers to them – they are colossal volumes and the difficulties of the work performed by Kursk NPP employees on the modernization RBMK power units within 15 years.

During the book presentation, its main characters shared their reminiscences with the gathered people. Their stories, different in many aspects, because they were performing different kinds of work at CNPP, were united by one thought: each of the Chernobyl accident consequences liquidators received individual and some specific experience, based on a firm belief that while operating a power plant, safety must stand at the forefront.

At the end of the presentation all the liquidators of Chernobyl accident consequences – KNPP workers, present at the event, were handed the book “25 years after…” to. It was published by a ran of 1100 copies, and educational establishments, libraries, museums and Kurchatov city public organizations received it besides the “Chernobyl participants”.

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