25.04.2012 16:58  Public Relations Group of Bilibino NPP

Bilibino NPP Nuclear Scientists Celebrate World Occupational Safety and Health Day

Ahead of the World Occupational Safety and Health Day, which is celebrated annually on April 28 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, Bilibino NPP navigates Days of Occupational Safety and Health.

This day is celebrated since 2003 with the purpose of attracting the attention of employers, employees and public to the problems of industrial injuries and adverse conditions of work.

As a part of the World Occupational Safety and Health Day, the nuclear power plant carried out activities, aimed at improving conditions and OSH, promotion of safe works at the nuclear power plant, as well as developing a healthy way of living of employees.

There also was organized a work on reduction of things to order at workplaces, in rooms, on the plant area, and there were held production meetings at the departments, where the public commissioners appeared with reports about the state of occupational safety at the departments.

There is constantly carried out a work on improving working conditions of the staff of Bilibino NPP. The company management policy is focused at the development and implementation of both organizational and technical measures that contribute to improving the management of occupational safety and health, introduction of economic methods of management, and promoting works on creation of safer workplaces.

Online data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities are provided on website russianatom.ru

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