The basic safety principle of the LNPP and RBMK projects is to ensure that the personnel and population exposure dose and the concentration of radioactive products in the environment be within admissible limits under both normal and emergency conditions.

The plant applies the following safety criteria in analyzing emergency situations and designing security systems:

1. ensuring safety under any accident with one independent failure and one unalarmed failure of any element of the security systems; 
2. ensuring that no more than 0.2% of fuel elements have gas leaks and no more than 0.02% of them cause direct contact between coolant and fuel; 
3. ensuring 1% safety limit for fuel elements with defects causing direct contact between coolant and fuel; 
4. the fuel assembly damage threshold includes the following limits:  
  • cladding temperature - no more than 1,200°С; 
  • oxidation rate – no more than 18%; 
  • amount of reacted zirconium – no more than 1% of its content in fuel cladding. 

In order to meet the above criteria, RBMK has the following systems:

  • control and protection systems, including local automatics; 
  • regulators, emergency groups and system; 
  • power control systems; 
  • emergency cooling systems responding in case of failure or pipeline breaks; 
  • local and group fuel element hermeticity control systems; 
  • individual fuel element control systems; 
  • pressure control systems; 
  • coolant flow control systems; 
  • reactor metal and graphite temperature control systems; 
  • centralized input, analogue and discrete information control system; 
  • system controlling the safety of technological processes and signaling any deviations from standard parameters; 
  • system ensuring discharge of steam and gas mixture from reactor in case of reactor channel decompression; 
  • modern refueling machine allowing to refuel reactor without stopping it; 
  • system preventing emergency coolant and radioactive gas emissions; 
  • emergency water-feed system; 
  • power supply system; 
  • fire prevention system.