30.04.2014 14:29 

The Beloyarsk NPP took part in the celebration of local government

Asolemn event dedicated to the Day of the local government took place on April30 in Zarechny. The head of urban district Vasily Lansky turned with holidaygreetings to the residents of Zarechniy.


Townpeople,who succeeded in socialwork, were awarded with certificates from the head ofthe urban district and souvenirs, which provided the Beloyarsk NPP. Among therecipients were employees of the Beloyarsk NPP. In particular , there was apublic activity of the head of the Office of Information and Public Relationsof the Beloyarsk NPP Bakanova Marianne - as deputy chairman of the PublicChamber of Zarechniy .


TheBeloyarsk nuclear power plant is entered into work in April, 1964. It is thefirst nuclear power plant in big nuclear power of the country, and unique withreactors of different types on one platform. The first power units of theBeloyarsk nuclear power plant with reactors on thermal neutrons of AMB-100 andAMB-200 are stopped in connection with resource development. In operation thereis the unique power unit in the world with the reactor on fast neutrons of anindustrial power level of BN-600. In the stage of construction there is a powerunit with the reactor on fast neutrons of BN-800. Power units on fast neutronsare urged to expand significantly fuel base of nuclear power and to minimizeradioactive waste at the expense of the organization of the closed nuclear andfuel cycle.


Currentinformation about a radiation situation near the nuclear power plant in Russiaand other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on a site www.russianatom.ru.


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