13.12.2013 15:39 

The Balakovo nuclear power plant: 1280 little residents of Balakovo will go to kindergartens thanks to support of the nuclear power plant

On the eve of the professional holiday – Day of the energy wprker, the head of administration of the Balakovo municipal area Ivan Cheprasov informed the management of the Balakovo nuclear power plant on development of the financial funds allocated for improvement and development of the territory of the area and the city of Balakovo. Within the agreements signed at the end of the last year with the government of the Saratov region by «Rosatom» State corporation, and then, in development of this agreement, - JSC «Rosenergoatom» Concern, it were aldo paid taxes in addition in the amount of 420 million rubles. For reducing priority in preschool institutions of children aged from 3 till 7 years these means were spent on capital repairs and return to the category of operating four former kindergartens on Embankment Leonov No. 53, St. Trnavskaya No. 30, No. 49 and st. Komsomolskaya St. Chapayeva No. 118 on total quantity of 960 children's places. Total costs on these four socially significant objects for the city constituted 256 million rubles.

Also the road on Saratovskoye Highway from entry into the city before departure was completely repaired for improvement of city highways condition. Total costs on completely new paving with general extent more than 7 km. constituted 114 million rubles. 50 more million rubles went for maintenance and development of the volleyball club «Proton» representing the Saratov region in the superleague.

It should be noted that it has already been implemented in case of 100% financing from «Rosenergoatom» on other significant projects out of the agreement – construction of the new modern Center of the children development in 11th community of Balakovo city on 320 children's places with estimate cost more than 216 million rubles.

Besides, the Balakovo nuclear power plant annually implements the big charitable program of 10 million rubles. – these funds are gratuitously allocated for preserving life and support of health of disabled people, aged, orphan children and the children who have got into difficult life situation, for spiritual and patriotic education of the young generation.

JSC «Rosenergoatom» Concern on behalf of the branch «Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant» plans further financial assistance to municipality, in order that Balakovo became more comfortable for accommodation to all residents.

The detailed information about work of the Balakovo nuclear power plant can be learned on the round-the-clock answering machine (8453)-62-22-20 or on a site www.rosenergoatom.ru

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