22.04.2011 16:39  Public Information Centre of Balakovo NPP

A traditional spring volunteer clean-up has been held at Balakovo NPP

On April 22, 2011 workers of Balakovo NPP participated in a volunteer clean-up in order to clean the streets of their city from autumn and winter garbage.

Campaigns that engage Balakovo NPP personnel are always held at a large scale. This year the street works have involved personnel from twenty five plant subdivisions as well as workers of Balakovo NPP sanatorium-preventorium.

For almost six hours they have been gathering last year leaves and household rubbish and cutting dead limbs in a large bypass road territory, public gardens and all round housing complex No.7, which is one of the compact residential districts of plant personnel. Five units of equipment were given to help the workers – three dump trucks, a loading machine and tractor with a broom, which gently gathered and moved the garbage out to special sites.

As a result of the annual collective clean-up, there were gathered 11 dump trucks of last year leaves and household rubbish, which amounted to about 90 cubic meters of garbage. All in all, the workers cleaned the territory of 2.2 hectares.

Despite the fact that the scope of work was quite extensive, nuclear scientists are going to hold one more volunteer clean-up on April 29. The clean-up territory will be a bit expanded – nuclear power plant workers will also clean the yards of housing complex No.7.

Ecological volunteer clean-ups are a traditional spring campaign, which became a tradition of Rosenergoatom Concern long ago. During such ecological campaigns tons of garbage are moved out from the city every year. A solicitous attitude to the city demonstrates the fact that nuclear scientists pay much attention to environment protection. In addition to annual city clean-ups, during the year Balakovo NPP performs many other environmental campaigns, including soft landscaping of streets, heat sink cleaning etc.; it is also engaged in environmental education of Balakovo city and Saratov region residents. 

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