
There took place interregional ecological expedition on the Leningrad NPP-2

On a building site of the Leningrad NPP-2 passed the 2nd stage of ecological expedition under the leadership of the chairman of interregional ecological movement «Oka», the expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Alan Hasiyev.

Ecologists met the director of the Leningrad NPP-2 Yury Galanchuk and the division managers, exercising control of a nuclear, radiation and ecological safety during a construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 where received irrefragable answers on many questions of activities both the management, and the contract organizations participating in construction of the power units.

Participants of ecological movement «Oka» visited the building site, carried out radiation measurements of inert materials, soils, fittings and concrete of objects used in the construction. Alan Hasiyev rose on the cooling vaporizing tower No. 2 where at the height of 150 meters he carried out measurements of meteorological parameters and carried out the analysis of wind loadings.

Ecologists received the objective information about a radiation and meteorological state of environment on a construction platform of the Leningrad NPP-2 and in the adjacent territory.

Making comments on results of expedition, the chairman of Ecological movement «Oka», the expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Alan Hasiyev said: «Our nuclear scientists create innovative projects of world level on the reliability and safety. Special value purchases a human factor therefore the Russian citizens who have passed the corresponding selection and preparation shall be builders and operators, and for their work conditions of the most favored treatment shall be created. At meetings with a management of construction of Leningard NPP-2, Pine Pine forest administration, young nuclear scientists we have provided the Right hand program on mass construction of high quality individual housing for young families, some other socially significant projects. Along with preserving habitat for us the spirit ecology, preserving the cultural and historical memory, favorable social and psychological climate at the entities of a nuclear industry and atom cities is at least important. These questions also are in the center of fixed attention of ecologists».


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