
The merits of the Rostov nuclear power plant in the area of environmental safety marked by the V.I. Vernadsky Foundation

Olga Gorskaya, head of the Environmental Protection Department of the Rostov nuclear power plant, was awarded the Order of V.I. Vernadsky established by a credible, independent environmental organization with a weight in the global environmental community - V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Fund. Awarding was held within the meeting of industry leaders and specialists of environmental and radiation safety of the State Corporation "Rosatom", which was held in St. Petersburg. On behalf of the Head of the State Corporation Sergey Kiriyenko the award was presented to ecological-nuclear scientists by Vladimir Grachev, adviser of the State Corporation "Rosatom" Head and the chairman of the V.I. Vernadsky Fund

"This award is recognition of the fact that our company is constantly becoming more perfect in its environmental safety. The Rostov NPP is constantly investing into the modernization of equipment and environmental protection measures, it conducts constant monitoring of environment and I can confidently say that the ecological safety is a priority for the Rostov nuclear power plant,"- shared her thoughts about awarding Olga Gorskaya.

Presentations on environmental and radiation safety in the industry were made at the meeting of more than 30 leading industry experts. State of the environment, the introduction of new laws and regulations, methodology and instrumentation, and radiation monitoring, provision of personal protective equipment and other questions were discussed.

The Rostov nuclear power plant is a branch of the JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The nuclear station is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 13,5 km from Volgodonsk. There are two power units with VVER-1000 reactors with an installed capacity of 1000 MWt operating at the nuclear station. The power unit No. 1 was put into commercial operation in 2001, the power unit No. 2 – in December, 2010. Launch of power unit ?3 was in November 2-14, physical start-up was in December 2014. Power unit ?4 is being constructed.

Updated information about radiation situation near the nuclear power plants in Russia and other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on the site www.russianatom.ru.

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