
The Smolensk nuclear power plant: «the round table» in anticipation of public hearings took place

On October 23, 2013 in Recreation center of Roslavlya passed the round table on discussion of an environmental impact assessment preliminary materials (EIA) of again entered objects on the address with radioactive waste and the fulfilled nuclear fuel of the Smolensk nuclear power plant.

Specialists of JSC «Atomenergoproekt», JSC «Rosenergoatom» Concern, the Smolensk nuclear power plant, representatives of administration and the public of the Roslavlsky area took part in it.

The meeting took place in a framework of preparation for public hearings on an environmental impact assessment (EIA) which will pass in Roslavl on October 25.

On the round table questions which the public would have liked to discuss with nuclear scientists on the eve of hearings were designated: it is caused by input of objects according to the address from Russian joint stock company and OYaT as it will be reflected in a state of nuclear station environment and safety and what it will give to region economy.

Reports were made by specialists of JSC «Atomenergoproekt» who gave detailed project characteristics of the objects planned to commissioning on the Smolensk nuclear power plant: complex on conversion of radioactive waste, an annex of storage of the fulfilled nuclear fuel and storage of container type.

As it was noted on the round table, commissioning of these objects is necessary for further increase of level of safety of power units of the Smolensk nuclear power plant. They will make existing system of the address with Russian joint stock company and OYaT of nuclear station even more reliable and ecologically safe, will allow to prepare radioactive waste and spent fuel for further transportation in specialized storages and conversion plants. Besides, the construction of these objects will favorably affect an economic situation in the region: their commissioning will create new workplaces, including for inhabitants of Roslavlya.

As the deputy chief engineer of the Smolensk nuclear power plant for radiation protection Igor Krasnov emphasized, concerns concerning construction of new objects according to the address from Russian joint stock company and OYaT are groundless.

«For the entire period of operation of the Smolensk nuclear power plant and its auxiliary objects according to the address from Russian joint stock company and OYaT of maximum permissible level exess cases or the increased content harmful, radioactive or chemicals wasn't fixed, - he noted. - Content of radionuclides in water, the soil, plants is much lower than the established modern industry and Russian standard rates. It once again confirms that the Smolensk nuclear power plant doesn't make negative impact on region environment».

Besides, leadership of the Smolensk nuclear power plant in the field of environmental protection and an ecological safety acknowledged independent public environmental organizations, including, international. In 2013 the Smolensk nuclear station has been awarded with a number of awards in the field of ecology: the international ecological certificate and the gold sign «International Ecologists Initiative of 100% of eco quality», the main award of the international ecologists of «Global Eco Brand», the status of «;Ecologically oriented entity of the Smolensk region of 2013».

The Smolensk nuclear power plant is a branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". SAES annually issues in a country power supply system on the average about 20 billion kilowatts of hours of the electric power that constitutes about 13% of the energy developed in Rosenergoatom concern, and more than 80%, the Smolensk region made by the power entities.

Current information about a radiation situation near the nuclear power plant in Russia and other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on a site www.russianatom.ru.

In the social information Center of the Smolensk  nuclear power plant is working round the clock telephone-answering machine and obtain information about the work of nuclear power station.
Phone number: 8(48153) 3-21-24.

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