
The Rostov nuclear power plant: the youth of Volgodonsk battled in oratorical skill

On October 16 in the nuclear power plant information center the IV city youth tender of oratorical skill «Tsitseron-2013», which organizer is the center of public information of the Rostov nuclear power plant took place.

For the Cup of the best speaker of year eight participants - students of the NIYaU MEPhI Volgodonsk technical institute, activists of the Youth government of Volgodonsk and labor youth of Atommash and the Rostov nuclear power plant battled. The board of judges which structure included representatives of nuclear station, VITI NIYaU MEPhI, administrations of Volgodonsk and the office of City Council estimated speakers.

Tender took place in two stages. First speakers testing became «parliamentary debates». Following traditions of this game, participants were divided into the Government and Opposition – approving and denying parties, each of which argued the point of view. Within an hour in a hall of information center this «parliament» worked. His «characters» discussed the important decision: adoption of the bill of international cooperation in the nuclear industry. Participants of discussion adduced arguments and the counterarguments supported with examples, figures and the facts. More convincingly than others was the team of the Youth government of Volgodonsk which became the winner of debate acted.

Individual improvisation became the second stage of the tender. The youth wrote letters «to the future», reflecting on what will happen. In the messages children asked descendants to preserve the peace on the earth and called for responsibility in relation to the nature and history; advised not to stop on reached and always to remain People.

Following the results of two stages Nikolay Frolov, the young employee of Atommash became «Cicero's» winner. Diplomas for the victory in the various nominations and memorable gifts with symbolics of the Rostov nuclear power plant from organizers of the tender were handed over to all participants.

The Rostovskaya nuclear power plant is a branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The nuclear station is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 13,5 km from Volgodonsk. At nuclear station two power units with VVER-1000 reactors with an installed capacity of 1000 MWt are operated. The power unit No. 1 is put into commercial operation in 2001, the power unit No. 2 – in December, 2010.

Current information about a radiation situation near the nuclear power plant in Russia and other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on a site www.russianatom.ru.

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