
The Rostov nuclear power plant: lessons of nuclear knowledge for young residents of Volgodonsk

In information center of the Rostov nuclear power plant was started a cycle of "nuclear lessons" for younger school students on September 5 - 6.

 Third-graders of school No. 23 of the city Volgodonsk became the first pupils of nuclear scientists. Specialists of the public information center prepared for children fascinating lessons with bright pictures, simple examples and curious experiments.

 In forty five minutes pupils got acquainted with different types and forms of energy and were convinced of its existence by practical consideration. By means of ice and a wax candle school students could feel heat energy, and thanks to experiments with a regular ball pen and balloons, they easily acquired what are a kinetic and potential energy. About the importance of one of the main assistants for the human – an electrical energy – children learned from the illustrated poetic story.

At the end of this unusual lesson school students with pleasure drew power plants, cars, the sun, atom – everything that is connected with energy. And at the following lesson which children, according to them, are looking forward, they will learn, where and how to make the electric power.

The Rostovskaya nuclear power plant is a branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The nuclear station is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 13,5 km from Volgodonsk. At nuclear station two power units with VVER-1000 reactors with an installed capacity of 1000 MWt are operated. The power unit No. 1 is put into commercial operation in 2001, the power unit No. 2 – in December, 2010.

Current information about a radiation situation near the nuclear power plant in Russia and other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on a site www.russianatom.ru.

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