11.04.2016  Novovoronezh NPP Information and Public Relations Administration

The Novovoronezh NPP may become an additive processes’ cluster

The Novovoronezh NPP has high chances of acting as a growing point for an innovative approach – an additive processes’ establishment and development cluster. The statement was announced by Grigoriy Chuyko, the head of the production, innovation, and import substitution committee at the Voronezh Region council during an on-site meeting at the station on April 8th.

Around 20 delegates of the Voronezh Region council have participated in the session, including the Novovoronezh NPP director Vladimir Povarov, the first deputy CEO of the JSC “Science and innovation” (being a part of the Rosatom Corporation) Alexey Dub, the deputy head of the Voronezh Region government Alexey Besprozvannyh, the head of production department Ivan Shkumatov, and the head of Russian clusters and technology parks association Andrey Shpilenko. The governmental support of the latter was the key topic discussed during the meeting.

The officials have agreed on passing a regional legislative act on supporting industrial and technical parks. Based on the roadmap suggested, the regional authorities are supposed to subsidize industrial projects, with the costs thereof being compensated from the federal budget.

According to Alexey Besprozvannyh, the deputy head of the Voronezh Region government, many regional enterprises are willing to work with state corporations. “We are ready to deliver our product to the region; besides, we have an initiative to establish a “trade house” aimed at import substitution in the first instance”, Besprozvannyh stressed.

“One of the key tasks our company faces is exploring synergies for us to win contracts with federal state corporations”, Grigoriy Chuyko, the head of the committee, said. “However, the industrial and technology parks development program that would enable us to receive federal subsidies is still legally immature. The lawmakers and manufacturers in Voronezh are at the point of working on it and to act as a great example of the most effective organizational and legal forms”.

“Supporting for the production and industrial parks is essential for us”, Vladimir Povavov, the Novovoronezh NPP director and the Voronezh Region council representative, summarized the meeting. “It is pretty much realistic to get the industrial enterprises subsidized from the state budget, and we will be working on including the Novorovonezh “Atomenergozapchast” plant into the Rosatom group. We need spare parts to be produced to equip our nuclear power plants. I hope we can attain our goals using both additive and traditional technologies for the Novovoronezh NPP and other Rosatom companies”.

After the on-site meeting, the guests have paid a visit to the Novovoronezh NPP power blocks’ construction site and the training center, where specialists from multiple countries constructing their NPPs based on the Russian design undergo relevant training.

The Novovoronezh nuclear power plant is a branch of the JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The station is located on the bank of the Don River in 42 km to the south of Voronezh. It is the Russia's first nuclear power plant with VVER reactors (water-to-water power reactors of case type with regular water under pressure). Each of five reactors of the station can be a main one – a prototype of serial power reactors: the power unit No. 1 with the VVER-210 reactor, the power unit No. 2 with the VVER-365 reactor, the No. 3, 4 power units with the VVER-440 reactors, the power unit No. 5 with the VVER-1000 reactor. The first power unit was launched in 1964, the second – in 1969, third – in 1971, fourth – 1972, fifth – 1979. There are three power units (power units No.1, 2 were stopped in 1984 and 1990 respectively) in work at the moment.

The new innovative power units with capacity 1200 MW have been constructed at the construction site of the Novovoronezh NPP since 2007.

The core charge has been fully completed at the power block No.6. The next steps required for the new power block startup rely on obtaining Rostechnadzor’s license for the following physical startup phases: reactor assembly, turning on main circulation pumps to switch the reactor unit to the hot position, and completing a set of tests at the minimum controllable power level. At that point, the completed physical startup is to be followed by the power startup.

Construction and installation activities are being carried out at the power block No.7.

The up-to-date information on the nuclear environment close to the Russian NOOs and other nuclear objects is available at www.russianatom.ru

Novovoronezh NPP Information and Public Relations Administration.

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