
The Baltic nuclear power plant: an autumn stage patriotic Interregional "Memory-2013 watch" stars in Neman

From 6 till 15 September in the Neman area summary search group of Russian nuclear stations employees begins working.

Groups from the Leningrad, Kalininskaya, Novovoronezhskaya, Kurskaya, Balakovo, Rostov nuclear stations together with search consolidation of the Kaliningrad region "Memory" within the Interregional share "Memory-2013 Watch" will carry out excavation in the territory adjacent to a platform of the Baltic nuclear power plant placement. On the basis of archives studying and field search work places for carrying out excavation on places of fights during East Prussian transaction were chosen by searchers.

The main goal of the Interregional share "Watch Memory" is to turn search movement into a component of youth patriotic education. Except search of unknown military burials reburials of the found remains, search of the lost fighters, meetings with veterans and school students are being carried out.

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