
The Balakovo nuclear power plant: ATR Nuclear Power Plant Fund tender – residents of Balakovo won

At rhe same time two Balakovo organizations became winners of an open tender of socially significant projects declared by Fund of assistance to development of municipalities «Association of the Territories of an Arrangement of Nuclear Power Plants» (ATR Nuclear Power Plant Fund). It is the Balakovo institute of equipment, technology and management and regional public organization «Light of Art»

The «IT fall in the Atom city» is the name of the research and computer projects festival which became one of the winners. The authorship of the project belongs to the Balakovo institute of equipment, technology and management, specialists of Information Systems and Technologies chair.

«The studying youth which will be engaged in research and project activities in the field of nuclear power, will be involved in participation in the project of energy saving and IT technologies, formation of ecological, information culture of the population in the region of nuclear station arrangement, – the manager of Information Systems and Technologies chair, the doctor of pedagogical sciences Olga Vishtak told.

According to the organizers, tender will allow to expand borders of mutually beneficial cooperation of higher education institution and nuclear station, and also will promote forming of the positive relation of the population to activities of the Balakovo nuclear power plant as high-technology and ecologically safe entity and industryin whole.

The second winner project carries the name «Volga. From a source to the mouth». It was developed by specialists of the Saratov regional public organization «Light of Art» which has been working in the Balakovo area for six years.

«We are cooperating with the center of public information of the Balakovo nuclear power plant with pleasure, therefore participation in tender of projects of ATR nuclear power plant Fund

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