
The Balakovo nuclear power plant passed check of readiness for winter

On the Balakovo nuclear power plant on October 11 the commission on check of station readiness to work during the autumn-winter period of 2013-2014 finished its work.

Its structure included representatives of "Rosenergoatom" concern, "SO UES" branch of JSC the ODE of Central Volga, department of the state energy supervision of the Saratov region Nizhnevolzhsky management of Rostekhnadzor, and also colleague from the Smolensk nuclear station.

During the check members of the commission paid attention to the organization of operation, fire safety, to a condition of the electrotechnical equipment and hydraulic engineering constructions at the entity. According to the commission chairman – the chief expert of Safety inspection department and production of JSC "Rosenergoatom" Concern Evgeny Shvetsova, it is the most important line items influencing smooth operation of station in the conditions of low temperatures.

"Besides, we took part as observers in carrying out all-station antiemergency training on the subject of "Personnel Actions during Plentiful Snowfall during the Winter Period". It was organized and carried out at very high level", – Evgeny Ivanovich noted.

Following the results of the check the commission highly appreciated completeness and quality of actions accomplishment for station preparation for autumn-winter period, the directed on providing reliable and smooth operation of the nuclear power plant during execution of maximum loads. As a whole, according to Evgeny Shvetsov, the members' impression of the station remained very good.

In finishing day of the check the act with the recommendation about issue of the Balakovo nuclear power plant readiness to work during the autumn and winter period of 2013-2014 passport was signed. The station will receive the passport after its signing by the Director general of JSC "Rosenergoatom" Concern Evgeny Romanov.

"The passport of the availability for service during the autumn-winter period should be received and by the concern. The operating organization will undergo this procedure the second year in a row after check of all stations in Russia, – Evgeny Shvetsov noted.

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