01.07.2011  Public Information Centre of Rostov NPP

Rostov NPP: a tennis tournament among Russian atomists has been opened in Volgodonsk

On July 1 an open tennis tournament among the employees of the enterprises of the nuclear power industry devoted to the 10th anniversary of power unit No. 1 commissioning started. Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC was the Championship founder.

In the course of three days 48 sportsmen - tennis-players representing Kalinin, Kursk, Leningrad, Balakovo, Novovoronezh, Kola and Rostov nuclear plants and Volgodonsk city will be competing at the tennis grounds. The winners will be defined in the individual competition among men and women in the age categories from 18 to 35 years, from 35 to 51 years and over 51.

Representatives of city administration and Duma, Rostov nuclear power plant, sportsmen and the citizens took part in the solemn ceremony of the Championship opening.

Addressing the audience on behalf of the plant administration, Rostov NPP Deputy Director Gennady Fomenko noted: “With each year this corporate tournament becomes more significant and popular with the sportsmen of Russian nuclear plants. It is a great honour for Rostov NPP to accept the sportsmen of Rosenergoatom Concern on Don land”.

Addressing the tennis-players, Volgodonsk City Duma Deputy Chairman Ludmila Tkachenko underlined: “I admire the work of Rosenergoatom Concern on the organization of sports competitions. There has already become a good tradition for atomists to hold various sports championships, competitions and tournaments in our city”.

The winners in the tennis championship among the nuclear power branch and industry employees in 2010 Ludmila Guzhilova (Kalinin NPP), Alexander Kudryavtsev (Kalinin NPP) and Sergey Myasnyankin (Kursk NPP) received the honourable right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation.

The championship will last till July 4.

It has been the first time when Rostov NPP organized an open championship on tennis among the employees of the nuclear power branch and industry on its territory. Before that the competition was traditionally held on the basis of Kalinin NPP. In 2004 the first competition was held there.

Rostov NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The nuclear power plant is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir 13.5 km far from Volgodonsk city. The nuclear plant has two operating power units of VVER-1000-type reactors with installed capacity of 1000 MW. Power unit No. 1 was put into commercial operation in 2001, power unit No 2 – in December, 2010.

Detailed and timely information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other objects of the nuclear industry is available in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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