02.04.2012  Public Information Centre of the Novovoronezh NPP

Novovoronezh NPP: Novovoronezh is getting arranged for the expertsХ contest for the prizes of Rosenergoatom Concern

In mid-April Novovoronezh will hold a contest on intellectual game What? Where? When? among teams of all NPPs of the country. Last Saturday Anatoliy Lavadniy, a Deputy Head, have informed about this significant event, welcoming the participants of a qualifying contest of this popular game at NV NPP.

The event was arranged by the department of social development and Youth Organization of Novovoronezh NPP under the guidance of the plant administration. The contest was attended by 9 teams from various divisions of the nuclear power plant. Last year 6 teams participated in the expertsХ contest.

The winners were defined according to their correct answers.

The second for the last three months contest on sports version of What? Where? When? game again was won by a team of thermal automatics and measurements shop with the original name of TAI-ti. The guys managed to find the correct answers for 15 questions of 36. The second prize was got by a team House of Mind (reactor and turbine shop), and the third became a team from the department of nuclear safety.

In the nearest future the best participants of the qualifying contest at NV NPP will form an NPPХs picked team, which in mid-April will be entrusted to defend the honor of the oldest industrial nuclear power plant of the country at the contest of the Concern.

Novovoronezh NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated on the bank of the Don river at 42 km south of Voronezh. It is the first NPP in Russia, which operates reactors of VVER-type (Vessel type Pressurized Water Reactor with light water under pressure). Each of the five plant reactors are prime Р a prototype of serial power reactors: No.1 power unit operates on VVER-210-type reactor, No.2 power unit Р VVER-365, No.3,4 power units Р VVER-440, No.5 power unit Р VVER-1000. 

Online data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities is provided on site russianatom.ru 

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