26.03.2012  Public Information Centre of the Novovoronezh NPP

Novovoronezh NPP has held TACIS seminar on safety culture issues

Novovoronezh NPP has held international seminar on the project Human Factor organized by the committee of European Community in support of TACIS program.

The focus of participants - these were managers and supervisors, and specialists of technological divisions of NV NPP Р was culture of safety. It also highlighted methodological issues for self-check and result analysis on various areas of OSART Mission, which is scheduled to hold in NV NPP in 2015. 

Yan Tomlin and Jet Coliver, experienced international experts of the Finnish company TVO, spoke before the participants under the guidance of the program Director Eeva Liisa Yuli Piipari.

 ТImproving the safety culture level is a long and not easy way. How is it possible to change behavior of people, who have been doing the same for 20 years?У told Yan Tomlin, who visited Novovoronezh enterprise for the 12th time. ТNovovoronezh NPP has a team, which is fully aware that faces serious issues regarding to safety culture change.У

 Novovoronezh NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated on the bank of the Don river at 42 km south of Voronezh. It is the first NPP in Russia, which operates reactors of VVER-type (Vessel type Pressurized Water Reactor with light water under pressure). Each of the five plant reactors are prime Р prototype of serial power reactors: No.1 power unit operates on VVER-210-type reactor, No.2 power unit Р VVER-365, No.3,4 power units Р VVER-440, No.5 power unit Р VVER-1000. 

Nowadays three power units are on operation (No.1,2 power units were stopped in 1984 and 1990 respectively).
Online data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities is provided on site russianatom.ru 

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