29.06.2012  Public Information Centre of Leningrad NPP

Novgorod Teachers Visit Leningrad NPP

On June 29, 2012 a delegation of heads and teachers of educational institutions of Veliky Novgorod made an inception visit to Leningrad NPP. The event was organized at the request of the Committee of Education of Sosnovy Bor Urban District and was included in the seminar program in exchange of the teaching experience, which passed last week in Sosnovy Bor.

During the visit to Leningrad NPP the teachers visited the Training Point of the nuclear power plant, where they learned the operation of the full-scale simulator of the main control unit, knew about the principles of work of nuclear power plants of different types, as well as knew the approaches to ensure the safety at Leningrad NPP.

Lyubov Ragulina, a head of the kindergarten No.58, also shared her impressions from the visit to the plant: ТI work at a kindergarten and I have a lot of little kids, and the community in our city is worried about the safety of nuclear facilities. After we talked to the staff of the plant, we made sure that they were very responsible people, who carefully and thoroughly fulfilled all safety requirements. And if I had some doubts before visiting the plant, now IХm sure that Leningrad NPP is safe and reliable and IХm quiet.У

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