12.05.2011  Public Information Centre of Leningrad NPP

Leningrad NPP: Memory Guard-Post -2011 has been over in Leningrad region

On May 10, 2011 Memory Guard-Post-2011 of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, held in Kirov district of the region and organized by Leningrad NPP, was over. The jubilee guard-post ended with a solemn and mourning burial of 28 Soviet soldiersХ and officersХ remains missing in action.

The interservice team of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC under auspices of N. Kashkarov took part in the Memory Guard-Post. The research works had been held during two weeks by the forces of 45 civil researchers from the squadrons ТObeliskУ (Smolensk NPP), ТRubezhУ (Kalinin NPP), ТAversУ (Balakovo NPP), ТPeresvetУ (Novovoronezh NPP), ТPoverkaУ (Kursk NPP), ТRodnikУ (Rostov NPP), ТSosnovy BorУ (Leningrad NPP), as well as the members of the research unit ТPamyatУ of Kaliningrad NPP. The digging was held not far from Sinyavinsk altitudes on the bank of the Nazia River, where the forefront of German resistance had taken place, and the front line had been permanently shifting.

By May 6, 2011 the researchers of the interservice team of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC had found the remains of 27 Red Army fighters. Two of them had subscribed things, by which their names were identified Р G. D. Egorov and Daniil Turok. At present the work on personal identification has been carrying out using military archives. Probably, the third name will also be identified Р it is possible to read two more names in one of the flasks.

As a part of the post-guard the Concern interservice team also carried out the exploration and digging of Yak-7b plane No. 43153377 crash funnel, that was listed non-return from the mission of August 1, 1943. After the hard working process in the conditions of heavy soil (blue mud) the researchers found a plenty of the plane details: wreckage of the fuselage, engine and chassis, controls as well as the pull ring of the pilotХs parachuting system. Partial remains of the pilot were found several meters from the funnel. The research works in the plane crush place will be continued.

On May 8, a solemn burial of the remains of the Red Army soldiers and officers was held in Novaya Maluksa village of Kirov district. Heads of Leningrad NPP, representatives of Sosnovy Bor city and Kirov district, Leningrad region government, veterans, schoolchildren and children Р more than 30 inhabitants of Leningrad region - took part in the burial. In all 300 defenders of our Motherland, found by the several research squadrons, were at rest from toil in the memorial of Novaya Maluksa Р in that very time all Russian Memory Guard Post with the participation of research squadrons from 14 districts of Russia and CIS countries were held in Leningrad district. The names of 12 soldiers were identified. The children and grandchildren of the three of them took part in the burial. The relatives thanked the civil researchers for the returning of the memories of the fathers and grandfathers and the reestablishment of the family history. On May 7 and 9 two more burials within the framework of the all Memory Guard-Post were held.

On May 9, the Concern research workers visited Sosnovy Bor city, participated in all the solemn events and in the solemn closure of the Memory Guard-Post-2011, where merit certificates and memorial signs of the jubilee guard-post ТFor the Active ReserchУ were handed in to the volunteers of atomistsХ research movement. According to the words of Councilor of Rosenergoatom Concern General Director O. N. Zheltov, Concern is aimed at further support of the research movement, attracting young people and forming squadrons in the areas of the plants under construction.

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