06.04.2012  Public Information Centre of the Beloyarsk NPP

By request Beloyarsk NPP reduces capacity of BN-600 power unit

From 12am of April 07, 2012, according to the request submitted to the power system operator, the electrical capacity of BN-600 power unit will be decreased for carrying out repair works on a condenser of turbine generators.

The condenser is a unit of a thermotechnical equipment of the power unit and is designed to condense (turn back into water) the heated steam vapor passed through the turbine executing its rotation. Steam-water circuit operates in a closed cycle.

There are no deviations from normal operating conditions of equipment.
After the completion of repair works on the condenser, from 12 pm of April 07, 2012 the power unit capacity will be increased to the initial level of electric power.

Beloyarsk NPP was commissioned in April 1964. ItХs the first nuclear power plant of the largest nuclear power engineering of the country and the only one with different operating reactors at the same plant. The first Beloyarsk NPP power units with the thermal reactors of AMB-100 and AMB-200 have been stopped due to resource exhaustion. The power unit with BN-600 fast neutron reactor of industrial power level nowadays operates as the unique in the world. The power unit with BN-800 fast neutron reactor is under construction now. The fast neutron power units are designed to significantly expand the fuel base of the nuclear power engineering and minimize RAW by means of closed NFC management.

On line data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities is provided on site russianatom.ru 

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