22.06.2012  Public Information Centre of Balakovo NPP

Balakovo Nuclear Engineers Pay Tribute to Deceased in Great Patriotic War

In the memorable day of the Great Patriotic War, on June 22, which is celebrated in Russia as a Day of memory and grief, a solemn ceremony of flower tribute passed in Balakovo of the Saratov region, near the obelisk in honor of Balakovo citizens fallen in the war. 

Along with the representatives of local governments, institutions, enterprises and organizations, public associations and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in the memorable ceremony there took part the employees of Balakovo nuclear power plant.

A file of nuclear engineers headed by Chairman of the trade union committee, Peter Sorokin, and Acting Deputy Director for Staff Management, Sergey Funtov, passed on the Walk of Fame.

ТFor us this is one of very memorable days,У marked a participant of the ceremony, Chairman of the Union of Veterans of Balakovo NPP, Tatiana Zhukova. ТIn our crews there are veterans of the Great Patriotic War and war workers, whom we honor and respect very much. The nuclear power plant always pays great attention to the social support of veterans. We just need to remember the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers, and share our knowledge and recollections with the younger generation. IХm glad that today not only old people and their children have come here to commemorate the victims of that terrible war, but also their grandchildren and great grandchildren.У

In the funeral procession Balakovo NPP members laid a floral basket at the foot of the obelisk, mourning for all those, who had given their lives to fulfill the holy duty of defending the Fatherland.

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