20.06.2011  Public Information Centre of Novovoronezh NPP

A scheduled fire-protection drill has been held at Novovoronezh NPP

On June 17, 2011 a scheduled emergency drill of the personnel, aimed at the inspection of the readiness of the forces and fire-fighting means of both the fire fighting units, guarding the nuclear plant and the city, and the NPP special subdivisions, was held at Novovoronezh NPP.

Director of the emergency response and radiological protection department of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Vladimir Khlebtsevich noted: ТLast year forest fires blustered on the territory of Voronezh region, and much effort was taken for their elimination, significant forces were involved, and among them there were the nuclear plant workers. In connection with that the appropriate events had been realized within the framework of the preparation for fire dangerous period of 2011, in particular, the clearance of forest lands, located close to the NPP, power supply lines and creation of fire lines around the crucially important nuclear plantsХ facilities. Today fire response drill has allowed us evaluate the efficiency of those eventsУ.

Summing up the results, Vladimir Khlebtsevich mentioned the plantХs high degree of readiness for emergency actions, having underlined that NV NPP personnel had successfully coped with the set targets and the aims of the drill had been reached.

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