03.06.2011  Public Information Centre of Novovoronezh NPP

A contest among the turbine equipment operating walkers has been held at Novovoronezh NPP

A contest for the title of the best operating walkers of the reactor and turbine compartment No. 2 turbine equipment was held at Novovoronezh NPP. Eight specialists took part in it.

Being one of the forms of administrative and production work with the personnel, contests of professional skills are regularly organized at NV NPP. The purpose of such events is to spread of the best workersХ advanced experience, to improve the workersХ and engineering and technical personnelХs qualification, which in its turn contributes to the growth of labour capacity and the performed worksХ quality.

While performing the tasks, all the contest participants demonstrated a high level of professional skills, which was noted by the competent jury headed by Deputy Chief Director Sergey Vitkovsky.

The first prize was taken by most experienced of the participants Р Aleksander Kozyakov Р who had already became the winner of one of the previous competitions and represented Novovoronezh specialists at an interplant contest at Balakovo NPP, Aleksey Kravchenko took the second prize, and the third one went to Vyacheslav Barabanov.

The contest prizewinners received diplomas and cash bonuses.

The contest of Novovoronezh NPP operating walkers, the winner of which will present the nuclear plant at the competition of professional skills of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC will be the next stage.

Novovoronezh NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is situated on the bank of the Don River, 42 km to the south of Voronezh. This is the first Russian NPP with VVER-type reactors (pressurized water reactors of the vessel type using light pressurized water). Each of the five plant reactors is the main one Р a prototype of serial power-producing reactors. 

At present, the nuclear plant operates power unit No. 4; power unit No. 3 has been in scheduled preventing maintenance for 21 days. Power unit No. 5 has been repaired for 250 days, a complex of the events for operation life prolongation are being carried out. 

The radiation background of Novovoronezh NPP and in the adjacent territory corresponds to the normal operation of power units and does not exceed the natural environmental values.

Detailed and timely information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other objects of the nuclear industry is available in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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