
"The lesson of nuclear knowledge" was held in the village school

On September 24, 2014 the specialists of Information and Public Relations of the Rostov nuclear power plant had a "lesson of nuclear knowledge" in Zimovnikovskiy high school ?1.

High school students and teachers watched the film "In a world with radiation" from "The Encyclopedia of the atom", addressed questions about the structure and systems of the nuclear power plant safety. "Both students and we - the teachers - learned a lot of new and interesting things about nuclear power. A methodical literature, which we were presented by the Rostov NPP specialists, we will certainly use during school hours and during the preparation for the scientific-practical conference "- said geography teacher Elena balls.

The spot lessons of nuclear knowledge directly in schools has become a good practice. "The interest shown by the students to the issues of nuclear safety, nuclear power plant operations and the development of the nuclear industry, first led us to the idea of holding lectures on nuclear and radiation safety at schools of Volgodonsk city, within the life safety lessons - said the head of the Rostov NPP information and PR department Vadim Koinov. - And by the end of the last school year, 20 schools in Volgodonsk held 38 lessons, which were attended by over 1,300 students. In the current academic year, visiting lessons will be scheduled at schools in rural areas near the Rostov nuclear power plant. "

The Rostovskaya nuclear power plant is a branch of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The nuclear station is located on the bank of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 13,5 km from Volgodonsk. At nuclear station two power units with VVER-1000 reactors with an installed capacity of 1000 MWt are operated. The power unit No. 1 is put into commercial operation in 2001, the power unit No. 2 Р in December, 2010.

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