29.04.2015 12:54 

The Kalininskaya NPP conducts emergency exercises with EANPP group

Emergency response exercise involving a group of Emergency Assistance to Nuclear Power Plants (EANPP) will be held at the Kalininskaya NPP on April 28.

The aim of the exercise is to test the readiness for management, localization and liquidation in conditional beyond design basis accident, including emergency action Exercises mobile technology.

The exercise scenario involves a complete disconnection of power units, followed by actuation of the mobile technology to allow electricity and water supply.

Technological emergency scenario of training with the EANPP group is designed taking into account the possibility of its modeling on its full-scale simulators at the power units № 2,4 of the Kalininskaya NPP to transfer introductory training to all participants in real time.

The Kalininskaya nuclear power plant is a branch of the JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom". The station is located in the north of the Tver region in the Udomelskiy area. There are four power units with water-cooled power reactors (VVER-1000) with installed capacity of 1000 MW each in the structure of the Kalininskaya nuclear power station.

Current information about radiation situation near the nuclear power plants in Russia and other objects of the nuclear industry is provided on a site www.russianatom.ru.

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