05.10.2012  Public Information Centre of Kola NPP

Kola NPP: Finnish Consul Visits Plant

The transpolar nuclear engineers hosted at their platform two delegations from Finland. The first delegation was represented by the old colleagues and partners of Kola NPP from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK. Specialists of the nuclear power plant held with them a number of meetings on the current and future projects of the bilateral cooperation.  

The second delegation - the workers of the Finnish Consulate in Murmansk. According to Consul Martti Ruokokoski, there is an old tradition in the diplomatic mission Р to visit enterprises and museums of the Kola Peninsula (the so-called ТsportsУ day). And, according to most of the visitors, Kola NPP became the most interesting place in the history of unique excursions of the Murmansk region Consulate.

During his visit, the consul met with the plantХs management and discussed the main results of 20-year-old Russian-Finnish cooperation*.

ТCooperation between our countries in the field of nuclear energy is long and fruitful,У said Mr. Ruokokoski. ТThis is also confirmed by the specialists of STUK, who expressed a wish to accompany us during the tour of the plant. The dialogue is well-built and is so clear that the joint work of nuclear engineers of Russia and Finland became habitual and usual.У   

During his work in the Arctic Circle, the consul managed to visit most of the enterprises of the region. Martti Ruokokoski visits Kola NPP for the first time. ТHere I have found a lot of new,У shared his opinion the Finnish diplomatic official. ТFirst, what surprised me at the nuclear power plant was cleanliness and orderliness, which the employees of the plant provide while performing their duties. My opinion on the plantХs safety reinforced when we saw the operating safety systems, including the methods of organization of the physical security. These are extremely important elements, the absence of which wouldnХt ensure reliability and safety of the nuclear industry.

The Finnish delegation viewed almost the whole plant starting with the conference-hall, where there was held a meeting with the management of the plant, and ending with premises of LRW Processing Complex. The guests were truly interested in everything, and most of all, in the work of the technological units supplied to Kola NPP under support of STUK.
After the meeting with the plantХs management, the Finnish diplomatic officials visited the trout farm and Information Centre of Kola NPP located at Polyarniye Zori.  

*The start to the joint Russian-Finnish projects was initiated in 1992 - from the cooperation with the Finnish company Imatran Voima. Henceforth, cooperation with Finland reached the higher, state level, the supervising authority STUK became the manager of the projects. Thanks to the assistance of Finland, Kola NPP implemented 35 technical projects aimed at improving of the safe operation at the nuclear power plant. One of the last projects was the modular water mist fire suppression system of the reactor compartment oil system of the second stage implemented at Kola NPP in 2010.

Kola NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The plant is located 200 km to the south of Murmansk on the bank of Lake Imandra. It produces about 60% of electricity of Murmansk region. Currently, the plant operates 4 power units with VVER-type reactors. Each reactor has capacity of 440 MW. Kola NPP supplies power for Murmansk region and Karelia.

Online data on the radiation environment near nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear facilities are provided on website russianatom.ru

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