17.05.2011  Public Information Centre of Smolensk NPP

According to the results of 2010, Smolensk NPP has been recognized to be the best nuclear plant

According to the results of 2010, Smolensk NPP (Desnogorsk city of Smolensk region) was recognized to be the winner of the corporate contest ТBest Russian NPPУ. Balakovo NPP took the second prize and Kola NPP took the third one.

The winner was defined according to the indexes in the twelve major and nine additional fields of activity. First of all, the contest committee under the chairmanship of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC General Director Sergey Obozov estimated the reliability, steadiness and efficiency of the NPPsХ work, state of affairs in the field of labor safety, the condition of radiation and fire safety, the efficiency of technical service and the nuclear plants equipment repair. The finance and economic activity, physical protection system and work with personnel were also estimated.

The committee paid a special attention to each NPP readiness for operation during winter and autumn period, improvement of the operation and equipment reliability. Such important questions as public work and social policy, implemented by the enterprise, were not left without attention either. ТThe fact that the plant has been considered the best Russian NPP is the merit of all Smolensk NPP structural subdivisions and of each employeeУ, Smolensk NPP Director Andrey Petrov noted.

SNPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. Every year SNPP supplies to the country electric power system at the average about 20 bln kilowatt-hours of electric power equal to almost 13% of power generated in Rosenergoatom Concern and to more than 75% of that generated by the power plants of Smolensk region.

During 2010 SNPP had been working safely and reliably: electric power production was equal to 20 bln 830 bln kWh at the planned volume being 20 bln 99 mln kWh. The annual plan was fulfilled by 103, 6%. The utilization factor of maximum capacity was equal to 79.26%.

In 2010, SNPP performed a large volume of scheduled works on prolongation of the first power unit service life, introduction of Rosatom production system, improvement of the nuclear plant departmentsХ and subdivisionХs work in accordance with the high international standards.

Timely information about the radiation environment near Russian NPPs and other objects of the nuclear industry is available in the site www.russianatom.ru.

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