04.04.2011  Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Directorate for Information and Public Relations

The First Deputy General Director of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Vladimir Asmolov is nominated for position of the President of the WAO NPP

The First Deputy General Director of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Vladimir Asmolov is nominated for position of the President of the World Association of Organizations Operating Nuclear Power Plants (WAO NPP).

The decision was taken at the session of Board of Governors on March 30, 2011 in Paris.

At present the position of the President of WAO NPP is occupied by Qian Zhimin, Chairman of the Board of the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group.

Transfer of the presidential powers to Vladimir Asmolov will take place in October, 2011 during the WAO NPP General Assembly.

WAO NPP was founded in May, 1989 by the operating organizations to exchange the operating experience. Now all the organizations operating the NPPs are members of the WAO NPP which act irrespective of the state and regulating agencies and works exclusively in the name of and in the interests of its members - NPPs. “Rosenergoatom” Concern is one of the most active operating organizations in the NPP structure of the WAO. The structure of the WAO NPP includes four regional centers: Moscow, Atlanta, Paris and Tokyo. The coordination centre is in London. The governing bodies are Boards of Governors of the regional centers and WAO NPPs accordingly. The Moscow centre includes 37 organizations from Armenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Finland, Czechia, India and China. 

Approximately every two years the WAO NPP Board of Governors nominates a candidate to the office of the WAO NPP President as a sign of recognition of his contribution to the implementation of the WAO NPP Mission. The general assembly elects the WAO NPP President as a member of Board of Governors with the vote for a period of two years. The President is responsible for organization of the following (taking place every two years) General Assembly of the WAO NPP. The President together with the Chairman represents the WAO NPP in the international scene, and participates in its activity according to requirements of the Board of Governors or the Chairman. 

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